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The Home Employment Directory
Q Is there a money back guarantee? 
A Yes we offer a 30 day money back guarantee.  The variety of the products and companies in our directory is numerous enough that we're sure there's something that will appeal to everyone, in fact we guarantee that you will will find work by using our directory, or your money back
Q How many companies are listed in The Home Employment Directory?   
A Our directory list over 80 companies willing to hire you for home assembly work. Each of these companies has 1-5 different products which need assembling work. which gives you plenty products to choose from. Our bonus opportunity guide( included if ordered by credit card online or by phone) contains approximately 50 companies that offer a business opportunity.  Many of these opportunities are businesses you can start right from home with very little investment, on a part-time or full-time basis, if your sincere in starting your own business.